
.it - Italian Registry introduce 'drop-time'
As of 24 June, users can find out the date and time of deletion of any domain name: that’s drop-time, the new procedure that gives access to domain name lists awaiting deletion directly on our site. At one o’clock every night we publish the lists of domain names with pendingDelete/pendingDelete status awaiting deletion the next day.
With drop-time it’s even easier to find the domain name you’re looking for. Register your .it domain name too!
More details at

25 years .PT event at EuroDIG Lisbon 2013
The first event to celebrate the 25 years .PT was held recently, at the EuroDIG Lisbon 2013, which was also attended by FCT, DECO, the ACEPI and AMEN.
The initiative took place in parallel with the EuroDIG Lisbon and aimed to mark the commemoration of the 25 years of the DNS.PT, and counted, in special, with an opening session made by the President and CEO of ICANN, Fadi Chehade, who congratulated the DNS. PT for its anniversary and expressed the importance of the multistakeholder model of the DNS.PT Association, to whom he wished the greatest success.

DENIC supports largest international survey of domain industry
According to the study, more than 80 percent of the participating German registrars do not expect the
Accordingly, three thirds of the interviewed German registrars assume the share of new TLDs in the
The data on which the study is based were compiled from the start of November 2012 until the end of

ICANN Signs Exchange of Letters with .ME (Montenegro)
ICANN announced that it has signed an Accountability Framework with the country code Top Level Domain (ccTLD) manager for .ME (Montenegro), the Ministry for Information Society and Telecommunications of Montenegro, on 13 May 2013.
See ICANN Announcement

Serbian Registry for .RS publish Annual Report (2012)
"RNIDS – Annual Report for 2012" is a 24-page publication which includes a review of everything that is related to the work of the Serbian registry of Internet domain names. The contents of the publication include texts on national Internet domain names, accredited registrars, bodies of RNIDS and activities of all the sectors of the RNIDS Office.
Particular attention was paid to statistics on registration of .RS and .СРБ national domain names, comparison with national registers in the region, and to statistics on media coverage that accompanied the activities of RNIDS.
RNIDS - Annual Report for 2012 (PDF, 3.31 MB)

French Council of State rules on former legal framework for domain names
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.IT publish "Quarter.IT" Magazine
"" is born - the new four-monthly review of the Italian Registry, that will replace the Yearbook, a publication that accompanied us from 2004 and that was published for the last time in order to sum up the data of the last year. The Registry statistics are now updated daily and you can view realtime data on the website However, the daily work of the Registry, its Registrars and the communication require more details, different points of views and focus on particular aspects, as well as the promptness in the spreading of information. Quarter .it will be full of data, news and events on Italian Internet domains.
See the magazine here

A research project on: Who decides how the Internet is run and how is that control legally exercised?
Norid is working with the University of Oslo on a
research project on governance of the Internet. As part of the project there
will be several seminars leading up to the conclusion in 2014. The project is
pursuing research on governance of the Internet, focusing particularly on the
legal aspects related to governance of the Domain Name System (DNS) and is
funded by the Norwegian Research Council and Norid (the organization
responsible for managing the .no namespace). The project commenced in November
2010 and finishes in November 2014.
The project examines a set of important issues that arise
from recent and ongoing changes to the way in which the DNS of the internet is
governed. The project has two main prongs of research. The first critically examines the ongoing enlargement of the generic Top-Level Domain
namespace and the second assesses the relative utility of respectively (i)
contractual mechanisms and (ii) legislative and treaty-based mechanisms for
global governance structures in Internet governance generally, but with focus
particularly on the management and steering of the DNS. Other issues taken up
under the project include net neutrality, deployment of IP addresses, and
jurisdictional issues related to TLD disputes.
For more information see the IGOV2 Symposium 2013 site

SWITCH reports further increase in Malware
In 2012, more than 2,800 websites with addresses ending in .ch or .li were cleaned of "drive-by" code. SWITCH warns that malware represents the biggest threat to Internet users in 2013. The negative trend is continuing, with 25% more websites infected by malware in the first quarter of 2013.
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