
Nominet appoints Jill Finney as Chief Commercial Officer
The CCO role has been newly created as we aim to build on our strengths as an internationally-respected registry and respond to the challenges of a liberalised domain name market. As part of her role, Jill will manage Nominet’s existing route-to-market, including relationships with channel partners, and will also lead our marketing and communications.
Jill will work closely with CEO Lesley Cowley and the two recently appointed members of Nominet’s senior leadership team – Chief Operating Officer Eleanor Bradley and Chief Technology Officer Simon McCalla.
Lesley Cowley said: “It’s vital that we adapt to an increasingly competitive market, in order that we can continue to grow, deliver a world-class service, and invest in a more trusted internet. We’re delighted that Jill has chosen to join us in the new CCO role, and look forward to working with her to achieve our goals.”
Jill Finney commented: “It’s an incredibly exciting time in the domain name market so I’m delighted to be joining a company of Nominet’s calibre and reputation. I’ll be working with the membership, our registrars, potential business partners and colleagues to ensure Nominet delivers a competitive, commercially-savvy proposition that still stays true to our public purpose credentials.”
Jill will join Nominet next month from the Care Quality Commission, where she was Deputy Chief Executive.
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.FO Joins as Newest Member of ccNSO
The Council of the country code Names Supporting Organisation (ccNSO) today approved FO Council, the ccTLD operator of .fo (Faroe Islands), as a new ccNSO member.
The ccNSO, which is ICANN's policy development body for ccTLD issues, now numbers 135 members, all of them country code Top Level Domain operators from around the world.
The ccNSO warmly welcomes .fo to its membership and looks forward to a fruitful collaboration.
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Domain pulse on 18 and 19 February 2013 in Davos
SWITCH is extending an invitation to the specialist "Domain pulse" conference – the most important event dedicated to domain names in the German-speaking world – which is being held in Davos on 18 and 19 February.
In the spotlight: new generic Top Level Domains (new gTLD)
Do the new endings like .swiss, .app or .shop mean that we are heading for a revolution in the web? In what way will the Internet change? At the World Conference on International Telecommunication (WCIT) in December 2012, a large number of Western countries refused to sign the agreement as a protest. Find out what happens next from the viewpoint of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Nigel Hickson, Vice President Europe of ICANN, will be speaking at the conference. The focus of the specialist papers presented will also be on Switzerland as one of the most secure Internet locations in the world. Domain pulse – a joint event staged by the registries for Austria (, Germany (DENIC) and Switzerland (SWITCH) – offers the best opportunity for catching up on social, political and economic topics from the world of domain names.
Date: 18 and 19 February 2013
Where: Congress Centre Davos, Talstrasse 49a, 7270 Davos Platz
Background: new generic Top Level Domains (new gTLD)
ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) which is responsible for the international coordination of the Internet addressing system, took the decision in June 2011 to introduce new generic top-level Internet domains (new gTLD). From January 2012 to May 2012, it was possible to submit applications for any other generic domain names. ICANN regards the new gTLD as a further development of the domain name market, serving to make content and brands more visible in the Internet. The introduction of the new gTLD is planned for the end of 2013.

Latest edition of available - "A Net of Relations"
A thousand relations that put together and “do” the Net. This is the topic of the last issue of Focus .it. Examined, far, practical, real and unreal. Complex, on the borderline and, no less than, … “artistic performance” relations! And even though we start from a diatribe still current between “apocalyptic and integrated” - respectively between who asserts that the Internet is simply the “last god” and who asserts that the “we are the net” - we realize that the world is necessarily digital (although many Italians still love the television and the digital divide is one of the real problem of Italy). “There is no virtual world and real world. There is the world and the Internet as a means of communication”.
Focus .it n. 22

Chinese Internet Address Registrars Conference Convenes
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Nominet launches Internet Awards 2013
The Nominet Internet Awards 2013 are now open for entries. Our annual awards recognise the contribution of UK businesses, charities, individuals and public sector organisations working to make the internet a force for good.
We are looking to celebrate the best projects that help support the digital economy or make the internet a safer, more secure and trusted space for everyone online. Last year’s winners include the low-cost computer project Raspberry Pi, a series of internet safety sketches from CBBC Horrible Histories and an educational website about AIDs and HIV.
For details on how to enter or to recommend an organisation you feel deserves recognition visit our Internet Awards microsite.
go to original press release

High Growth ccTLDs in 2012
Below shows the CENTR Full Members who achieved double digit growth in 2012.
The growth rate is the percentage difference between Domains Under Management (DUM) at the end of December 2012 compared to the beginning of the year.
Overall growth in the CENTR Full Membership for 2012 was 7.1%
The below chart shows the monthly growth rates over 2012 of the combined CENTR membership alongside global gTLD rates.
For other Domain Name Statistics, see the latest DomainWire Stat Report 2012/2

.SE employees join Digitalization Commission expert team
.SE’s employees Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder and Kristina Alexanderson are included in the expert team of 12 individuals who will help the Digitalization Commission realize the government’s goal of making Sweden the world leader in capitalizing on the opportunities enabled by digitalization.
Kristina Alexanderson is head of the Internet at School initiative at .SE and is passionate about raising digital expertise in Sweden’s classrooms, among both pupils and teachers. TheWebbstjärnan school competition, for which Kristina is responsible, enables tens of thousands of pupils throughout Sweden learn to publish their school projects online every year, alongside which free teacher training courses are held throughout the country to support teachers in their work.
Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder is .SE’s Head of Security and one of Sweden’s foremost IT security experts. In 2012, she was named Security Profile of the Year, and she is one of only seven people in the world to hold the “key to the Internet.”
“I find it thrilling and a tremendous honor. I will learn a great deal together with the others, but also contribute my experiences and knowledge of the Internet and information security,” says Anne-Marie.
The expert group will function as a reference group for the Digitalization Commission’s chairman and office.
“I hope that they will provide us with great ideas about what we should do, help our thought process and help us work even more productively,” says Jan Gulliksen, Chairman of the Commission, in a press release (swedish).
Read more about the other members of the expert team here (swedish).
Go to original Article takes action against amplification attack
Between Sunday 27 January 2013, around midnight, and Tuesday 29 January 2013, around 5:00, our .be name servers received strikingly more queries than normal. In case this amount would become too high, this could possibly result in for instance a slower access to .be websites. But the stable infrastructure makes sure the end user does not experience any noticeable delay.
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