
10th anniversary of the Arbitration Court for .pl

News 16-05-2013

The Arbitration Court for the Internet Domain Names was established in order to settle disputes regarding the infringement of rights arising from the conclusion of the Agreement on the Maintenance of the .pl 
Domain Name. The Court started its activity in January 2003 – on the basis of the agreement of partners: PIIT and NASK and appropriate statute provisions and the PIIT regulations.

On 15 May 2013 in Warsaw, the 3rd Seminar of Arbitrators and Mediators of the Arbitration Court for the Internet Domain Names at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunication, summing up the 
ten year period of activity, was held. During the Seminar, the substantial and formal aspects of proceedings, carried out by the Arbitration Court, were covered.

The organizers of the Seminar were: PIIT - The Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications, the Intellectual Property “IP” Research Club of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, the Council of Arbitration Court and NASK."

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