
Another successful CENTR Jamboree meeting in Amsterdam

News 31-05-2019

"Coming Together Is A Beginning; Keeping Together Is Progress; Working Together Is Success." - Henry Ford

As CENTR celebrates its 20th Anniversary, and following on from a successful Jamboree, it is clear that CENTR members are still keen to come together and share, as they have been for the last two decades. The annual Jamboree, which gathers together the whole community for three days of Working Group Workshops, cross-working group sessions and networking, is proof of this.

From 27-29 May we were warmly welcomed to Amsterdam by SIDN for the 2019 Jamboree. On what has been described as one of the best Jamborees so far, more than 200 participants gathered together and exchanged ideas and information on a whole range of topics, including business intelligence, DoH, secure email, the Cybersecurity Act, successes and failed projects within registries, how to improve communication and much, much more. There was also a joint Security-Technical Working Group session, as well as a joint Marketing-R&D meeting which were well received by participants.

CENTR’s General Manager, Peter Van Roste said: “The Jamboree has found its place within the community and has more contributors and quality content than ever. What is particularly noticeable is the added value of having input that is more than the sum of the working groups. This results in projects (often that require competences from multiple working groups and registries) which move swiftly from ideas to action.”

We would like to take this opportunity to thank SIDN for being such a fantastic host, providing the perfect environment for the many discussions and networking, but also for introducing participants to often unknown facets of Amsterdam. We would also like to thank our Working Group chairs and vice-chairs, as well as session leaders, without whom it would have been impossible to run this event.

Photos will shortly be shared on CENTR's Facebook page. All relevant documents and reports will be made available to CENTR members in the coming weeks.

Published By Lydia Pernal-Stoddart