
Registry-Registrar Data Group release list of common registration terms and definitions

News 20-05-2019

A list of commonly-used domain registration terms (for example delegated domain, create, expiry etc.) and their definitions has been released by the Registry-Registrar Data Group (RRDG).

The purpose of the list is to give organisations who work with domain names a standardised reference point of clearly-defined terms for them to use in market reporting and business analysis. Creating standards in registration metrics is particularly helpful in situations where registries share data with their registrars. As more registries adopt these standard terms, registrars can more easily consume reports and will have greater consistency in understanding the numbers they get.

The list below includes the most common forms of actions on domain names and possible statuses of a domain name. The definitions, developed within an RRDG working-group of ccTLD registries as well as registrars, are published at the below address. Along with the list, a diagram of a domain lifecycle has been included to demonstrate the link between statuses and actions.

Final list: https://rrdg.centr.org/projects/standards/registration-metrics/

Phase 2 of the RRDG working-group will commence shortly and work on additional definitions, such as renewal rate and creation ratio. Standardised ratios will also help registrars to be able to better benchmark their performance.

About the RRDG

The Registry Registrar Data Group (RRDG) was founded to bring European ccTLD registries and their registrars together to work on the topic of registry data and in particular common approaches to data classifications, frameworks and standards. The RRDG is supported by CENTR and has participation from registries and registrars who are mostly based in Europe. If you are a registry or registrar and would like to get involved, please read more here and get in touch.

Published By Lydia Pernal-Stoddart