
EU Policy Update – Outlook to 2025
In a nutshell: Polish presidency has assumed presidency of the Council of the EU and unveiled its 18-month programme together with Denmark and Cyprus. European Commission presented Competitiveness Compass and established Commissioner’s Project Groups. Council of the EU presented conclusions on strengthening the role of ENISA and on the white paper on Mastering Europe’s digital infrastructure needs. European Parliament announced a new European Democracy Shield special committee. Europol and Eurojust published a report on common challenges in cybercrime.

EU Policy Update – November 2024
In a nutshell: The new European Commission College of Commissioners was voted in. The European Commission took action against the lack of transposition of cybersecurity legislation, adopted rules on the DSA transparency reports, and published EU Digital Identity Wallet draft implementing acts. EUIPO reaffirmed GI cooperation with the European Commission. ENISA published its NIS 2 implementing act guidelines, and the first report on the state of cybersecurity in the Union. The European Council published a Budapest Declaration on the New European Competitiveness Deal. Hungarian Council of the EU presidency reached a partial general agreement on the insolvency proposal. European Parliament ECON committee approves Framework for Financial Data Access for trilogues. INTERPOL operation took down IP addresses.

EU Policy Update - October 2024
In a nutshell: Designated Commissioners outlined their priorities. Sauli Niinistö published the report on strengthening Europe’s security. The EDPB published opinion on the controller-processor obligations, guidelines on legitimate interest basis for processing data, and its Work Programme for 2024-2025. The Council of the EU adopted the Cyber Resilience Act. The European Commission adopted NIS 2 implementing act and concluded a Fitness Check of EU consumer law on digital fairness. Europol published a report on Intellectual Property crime with EUIPO, and a report on the use of encryption with Eurojust.

EU Policy Update - September 2024
In a nutshell: The portfolios of the upcoming European Commissioners were unveiled. The European Commission published its second GDPR report. The NIS Cooperation Group published recommendations for implementing NIS 2 Article 28. ENISA published its annual cybersecurity overview in the EU, and it will support the EU Digital Identity Wallet certification. The Hungarian presidency shared an update on the proposal for the Insolvency Directive. The European Parliament Research Service published a study on the AI Liability Directive. The UN General Assembly adopted the Global Digital Compact. Mario Draghi outlined how to make the EU more competitive.

EU Policy Update - Summer 2024
In a nutshell: The European Commission filed an action against the EDPS, published a report on the State of the Digital Decade, a study on geoblocking, a risk assessment report on cyber resilience on EU’s telecommunications and electricity sectors, and opened consultations on Digital Identity Wallets, EU-US Data Privacy Framework and guidelines on the protection of minors under the DSA. European Commission’s president-elect von der Leyen published Political guidelines for the upcoming Commission mandate, CPC Network started an action against Meta’s ‘pay or consent’ model. Europol published the IOCTA report. United Nations’ Ad Hoc Committee finalised the Convention against Cybercrime.

EU Policy Update - June 2024
In a nutshell: The Hungarian Presidency set its priorities for the Council of the EU, ahead of its term starting from 1 July. The Belgian Presidency published a progress report on the FiDA and insolvency directives reform. The Council of the EU reached an agreement on a common position regarding GDPR enforcement reform. FRA issued a report about the experiences of data protection authorities. The European Commission published a draft implementing act on the NIS 2 Directive. G7 leaders adopted the Apulia communiqué, including its political priorities for cybersecurity. The High-Level Group on Access to Data for Effective Law Enforcement published recommendations. European citizens elected their representatives in the European Parliament for 2024-2029.

EU Policy Update - May 2024
In a nutshell: The Council of the EU approved its conclusions on the Future of EU Digital Policy, to which several EU countries reacted with their own proposal. The Council of the EU approved its conclusions on the Future of Cybersecurity. The Dutch government published a non-paper on effective EU cybersecurity legislation. The European Commission took stock of the implementation of the EU Security Union Strategy. The European Data Protection Board issued a statement on the Financial Data Access proposal. The Court of justice of the EU ruled on public authorities’ access to identity data and IP addresses. The Council of the EU formally adopted the Artificial Intelligence Act. The Council of Europe adopted an international treaty on Artificial Intelligence.

EU Policy Update - April 2024
In a nutshell: The EU telecom and consumer protection ministers met under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency. The ECON committee voted on the FiDA proposal. The European Parliament voted to change the procedural rules under GDPR and published a study on the resilience of EU elections. The EDPB set out its priorities for 2024-2027 and shared a Data Privacy Framework note. ENISA together with European Commission’s Joint Research Centre published an analysis on the Cyber Resilience Act requirements and standards. The European Commission published a call for evidence for evaluating the Terrorist Content Online Regulation. The European Political parties signed a pledge on EU elections transparency. The Czech Republic published its digital priorities for the years 2024-2029. The UN has published the zero draft of the Global Digital Compact.

EU Policy Update - March 2024
In a nutshell: The Council of the EU adopted the Regulation on Geographical Indications protection for agricultural products. The European Commission has presented a recommendation on the EU Intellectual Property toolbox, has opened a call for proposals for an EU repository of public domain works, and has published a delegated act on data centres' energy efficiency. The European Parliament adopted the Cyber Resilience Act, and Artificial Intelligence Act, and jointly with the Council of the EU adopted the EUID Regulation. The European Data Protection Supervisor presented their investigation into the European Commission’s use of Microsoft 365. The NIS Cooperation Group updated the compendium on securing the EU 2024 elections. ENISA published its Foresight report for 2030 cybersecurity threats. EU Member States shared their concern on the Insolvency proposal. Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs published a position paper on the application of international law in cyberspace.

EU Policy Update - February 2024
In a nutshell: The European Commission has published a white paper on digital infrastructure needs and a recommendation on secure submarine cable infrastructure. Members of the European Parliament adopted the Regulation on Geographical indication protection for wine, spirit drinks and agricultural products, and suggested further amendments to the Framework for Financial Data Access. The European Data Protection Board issued an opinion on the main establishment of a controller under the GDPR. The EU Member States, supported by ENISA and the NIS coordination group, published a report on the cybersecurity and resilience of communications infrastructure. The European Court of Human Rights ruled on encryption in private communications. The German government issued a strategy for international digital policy. The Digital Services Act is now applicable to all intermediaries.