
Cookie policy

This site uses cookies to improve user experience.

This is the full list of cookies used on the site, their purpose and expiration time.

Cookie: fc_active_TabSlideFilter
Owner: Flexicontent
Expires: 5 years
Used by (shared): Search view / search module
Description: This is a default cookie from Joomla to remember visitors' preferences on active tab / slider display filters
Cookie: fcfilter_form_slider_VIEWNAME 
Owner: Flexicontent
Expires: 5 years
Used by: Category-based views / filtering module
Description: This is a default cookie from Joomla to remember visitors' preferences on active tab / slider display filters
Cookie: fc_modules_data
Owner: Flexicontent
Expires: 5 years
Used by: universal content module
Description: This is a default cookie from Joomla to remember data of layouts (news, carousel). Currently only contains: Active Tabs / Sliders (accordion)
Cookie: fcfavs
Owner: Flexicontent
Expires: 1 year
Used by: Favourites field.
Description: This is a default cookie from Joomla to remember favourites (array of content IDs) for unlogged users. Note logged users use DB and not cookie
Cookie: fc_columnchooser
Owner: Flexicontent
Expires: 30 days
Used by: Category-based views
Description: This is a default cookie from Joomla to remember Integer indexes of visible columns in table layout
Cookie: fcfield-NNN-uploader-thumb-size-val
Owner: Flexicontent
Expires: Session (when browser is closed)
Used by: ITEM FORM (per field): (FIELDS: image, file, mediafile)
Description: This is a default cookie from Joomla to remember the preview thumbnail size of uploader (inline uploader or uploader in modal window)
Cookie: fc-fileman-list-thumb-size-val 
Owner: Flexicontent
Expires: Session (when browser is closed)
Used by: ITEM FORM (shared by all fields): (FIELDS: image, file, mediafile)
Description: This is a default cookie from Joomla to remember the preview thumbnail size of existing files (filemanager modal window)
Cookie: fc_uid   (1 cookie)
Owner: Flexicontent
Expires: Session (when browser is closed)
Used by: All frontpage views that submit the search / filtering forms
Description: A string that is appended to URLs
  • to allow client side caching (browser caching) of pages
  • to detect logout / login and redirect users to different URLs so that they do not see stale (from browser cached pages)