
CENTR Launches Nominations for 2013 CENTR Award

News 14-07-2013

Triggered by a presentation made in CENTR's General Assembly held in Lisbon in early 2013, CENTR have launched nominations for the 2013 CENTR Awards.  Nomination is open to all Full and Associate Members under the following categories;

Research and Development For projects which contribute to the further development of the DNS or focus on alternative usage of the DNS
Marketing, Public Relations and Communications For projects which put the DNS industry in the spotlight, educated the public on the importance of the DNS or succeeded to encourage the public to register a domain
Security Projects which improved the security of the DNS or the registry
Contributor of the year The person or Registry who contributed most to the ccTLD community through knowledge sharing, contribution of resources or support 

CENTR Members can nominate using the online form 

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