
2021 CENTR Board of Directors offsite conclusions

News 10-06-2021

The CENTR Board of Directors met online on 18 and 19 May for a strategic offsite meeting. The focus of the meeting was to develop the strategy for 2022, with a view to the longer term impacts of a rapidly changing environment in which the domain business operates.

In the course of these two days, the CENTR Board undertook a PESTL, SWOT and risk analysis. Further, the changing domain business was considered as the Board discussed the future of the organization in 2026. The results of these discussions will be shared with the members in the following months, and we look forward to your feedback.

It was determined at a high-level that going forward for the time being the strategy would be evolutionary, not revolutionary and that change would be driven from emerging needs of our members.

In the course of its discussions, the Board came to the following conclusions:

  • The execution of the 2021 strategy is on track.
  • Both the CENTR Members Satisfaction survey and the CEO satisfaction survey showed consistent high appraisal ratings for all CENTR services.
  • These results reflect the successful cooperation with members to understand their needs.
  • The surveys and usage data show that the current strategic plan is working well and CENTR provides the services its members require. As such there is no need for a structural change in direction or overhaul of the strategy.
  • The CENTR service dashboards show continuing strong engagement in working groups, online meetings and survey response rates.
  • Some CENTR community driven projects are struggling to make substantial progress due to lack of specific commitment from members. A renewed effort will be made to bring these projects (3SG in particular) to successful completion. Special attention will be given to the process that shapes and structures these projects.
  • Investment in remote participation needs to increase significantly to ensure that effective online participation becomes a standard feature of any CENTR meeting.
  • Security and policy should be specific areas of focus of collaboration, knowledge development & exchange and engagement for the coming years.
  • There will be no membership fee increase in 2022 and the Board will investigate the use of the current reserve fund to invest in CENTR’s services, given that with over 100% total annual expenses covered, the reserve fund is too large and can be reduced to the level of 100% of fixed operating expenses, thus freeing resources for additional services to members, without necessitating fee increases in the short term. The current reserve fund (110% of operating costs) will be split into a reserve fund that covers the needs of service continuity and a development fund.
  • Changing membership: market concentration (M&A) will lead to a changing composition of the CENTR Membership. This topic will be discussed by the Board following a consultation with members.
  • The Board will meet separately to have an offsite dedicated to discussing potential future changes to CENTR’s business model.
  • The Secretariat is instructed to explore if non-European full members can abstain from voting on CENTR positions by default in order to avoid that voting thresholds are not met.
  • The Board will work with the General Manager to ensure the strategic sustainability of the organization and its staff, recognizing the importance of remuneration and creating a culture that ensures that CENTR remains a great place to work.
  • The Board would like to recognize the excellent work by the CENTR Secretariat. Despite being a small group, the team continued to provide a great deal of support in the areas of logistical, administrative and policy support during a very challenging year. We would also like to warmly welcome incoming staff member Andreia Costa.
  • Finally the Board wishes to express appreciation for the Working Group Chairs & Vice-Chairs, as well as active Working Group participants. The Board also wishes to thank the members who provide the CVCs with the time and resources to serve the CENTR community. Cross collaboration and shared learning are a fundamental tenet of the community, and the working groups are where a large part of this occurs.

2021 CENTR Board of Directors offsite conclusions (pdf)

Published By Lydia Pernal-Stoddart